
Mostrando las entradas de marzo, 2024


These days I have been resting, I have felt very good and better being away from people and emotions that affect me, or that I let affect me. On Monday I spoke with A, it was very good for me to talk to her, she gave another focus to my existence, she told me that perhaps I was settling for little, that I was not the only one, but I was the only one, that I was still very strong. to continue standing and wanting to change some things about myself to improve, which meant that the world was not yet lost. In any case and in any case, I feel that I must be my priority, and in "my priority" there are also my children, my work, and I, all three of us are one, who make up one "I". I have been listening to videos on Stoicism, they have helped me a lot, time has also helped me, going to therapy has also helped me. I feel stronger. And I know I'm not going to waste my time with absolutely anyone. I must focus on my own existence. And I plan to continue with everything I...


 Hoy fue un día demasiado ocupado, teníamos mucho que hacer de la instructora X, afortunadamente logré terminar todo a tiempo y descansé como 2 horas después de ir al gimnacio. Cada vez que voy al gym me siento mejor, veo como cambia algo en mi, no solo en mi parte física, sino también en la actitud, me siento mejor, como una pluma, aunque me duelen un poco las piernas por los ejercicios echos en clase de cultura físca. Tuve cita con fisioterapeuta, que todo está bien. Luego camino a casa compré algunos detalles para los compañeros del día de la mujer y del hombre. Hoy no alcancé a darles nada, ya toca mañana porque hoy no alcanzamos. Luego llegué a casa y me puse a hacer la tarea de X, me dio tanto sueño que preferí descansar un rato, y sé que más tarde me va a dar sueño, así que hoy va a hacer un día duro. Afortunadamente conseguí un energizante, espero que me dé para toda la noche. Ya estoy sintiendo los efectos de Morfeo. Cada día que paso más cerca de M, me doy cuenta que no v...


 Contigo no habrá futuro, ni presente, ni pasado. Habrá... nada.


 Today I had to have that uncomfortable conversation with M, I don't like to talk about my personal life with anyone, because that makes me have to get emotionally involved, to know that in the end... everything is going to end badly, or it's going to end, like this simple. And I don't want to repeat past mistakes, I don't want to get emotionally involved with anyone. But he... is still there, so subtly wanting to get into my life, and when he senses that I'm not letting him in... he doesn't let me in either. Although I would like to enter a little more into his life, but for what?! That's what I ask myself, he made it clear, without feelings, and you can see that, every day with his fucking indifference that kills me. But he better keep his distance, because if he gets closer... it would hurt me more. And yes, I know I was wrong not to say something so delicate before, but... I didn't want to let anyone into my life, I mean absolutely no one. But life i...


 I'm going to enter the brink of a collapse... It's good to be able to write where no one knows you. I'm at a point in life when I don't even care about people. 5. Will it be normal? I just want to be alone, I don't want anyone to talk to me, look at me, or ask stupid questions. I want to cry, that's what I want, to cry because I feel alone, because I have no one to trust, and because there is possibly someone to trust, it is not convenient to trust others. because at the end of everything... they always turn their back on you,  they betray you, then they leave, and for no reason... maybe yes, it was your fault, for not wanting to... express yourself as you should, only in That moment, you didn't care.


Aujourd’hui j’ai pu me sentir mieux, j’ai pu être proche du x sans que cela ne m’affecte. Je n'ai pas d'autre intention que de profiter du temps que nous passons ensemble puisqu'il est très peu. Quand je suis rentré à la maison, la seule chose que je pouvais lui donner était un baiser et des câlins en cours de route, il y a quelque chose en lui qui le rend câlin. Mais ce n’est pas une personne adaptée à une relation sérieuse ; Il l'a dit lui-même, ce n'est pas ce qu'il recherche, et clairement... c'est un être immature. Ce qui m'attriste dans tout ça, c'est qu'il n'apprécie pas le bel être qu'il a comme amant, il n'apprécie pas le bijou. Le jour où ce bijou ne sera plus là, il saura ce qu'il a perdu, même s'il s'agissait d'« amis avec avantages ». J'espère qu'il en profitera et appréciera tout ou le peu que je peux lui donner, car si nous ne sommes destinés à nous rencontrer qu'à mi-chemin dans une relation...


Me: In some way I am grateful that you let me be free, you made a good decision, because I am like a bird, a free being who is not going to give his freedom to just anyone, and without freedom... his essence would go out... I'm not going to give my freedom to just anyone. Nobody deserves it. It's mine, and I don't share it.